Monday, January 26, 2015

Currently Listening

As a follow-up to my Currently Watching post, I wanted to share what I am currently listening to.  For me, music is so much more than mindless TV (not that I don't love me some mindless, guilty pleasure TV shows).  I listen to music at my desk, when I work out (getting back into that routine now), in the car, around the apartment, it's an infinite list.  Oh, and I'm one of those people who still uses an iPod, a classic at that.  I just refuse to let my iPhone rule my life!  Ok, that may be a bit dramatic, but you get the point.  Heck, I'll still buy a physical CD here or there, much like I prefer a real planner over the calendar app on my phone.  I like to write, what can I say?  Now that we've gotten off topic, I'll just revert your attention back to the music.  Here are some of my current favorites.

Kacey Musgraves
I have loved Kacey's music since I first heard her song Merry Go Round.  When I found out she was opening for Katy Perry back in August, I quickly learned her whole album, because you know, I had to be able to sing along.  I seriously felt like my nine year old self, new Backstreet Boys cd in hand, sitting on the floor for hours listening to it on repeat until I had every word down.  Wait, you mean you didn't do that too?  But in all seriousness, the girl's got sass and is so fun to listen to if you need a little pick-me-up.

Ed Sheeran
I'm sure everyone has heard of this famous Brit, if not for any other reason than his connection to T Swift, but lately I've been loving his music.  It's a little more mellow, but there are some more upbeat songs, mainly the ones you've probably heard on the radio.  If I'm super stressed at work or just need something to help me relax, I can turn to this.  Occasionally I'll get a crazy look from a co-worker due to my amazing awkward singing at my desk, but I don't even care. 

Rock of Ages Soundtrack
Musical soundtracks are great for working out, car rides with your sister, or serious cleaning sessions.  This one is definitely my favorite for doing just that.  If I've got my music on shuffle and one of these songs comes on, it'll automatically put me a great mood.  Plus, the movie is equally as awesome, and one of the few that I can watch over and over again and not get tired of it.  Everyone needs some go-to fun music to get through boring tasks, like cleaning and working out.  This will make 30 minutes on the elliptical fly by!

What are you currently listening to?


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