Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Follow Your Arrow

I picked up this shirt on one of those trips to Target where you go in for toothpaste and walk out with a basket full of stuff (darn you, dollar section!).  I was making my rounds from the clothes to the electronics when I saw it and had to have it.  I'm not usually one for graphic t's like this anymore, mainly because I'm trying to cut back on the amount of clothes I buy unnecessarily, and I know I won't wear them out much.  But with this, I loved the simplicity of the arrows and striped detailing on the back!  Plus, the entire Toms for Target collection benefits those in need so it's a total win-win if you buy something!  I dressed this up a bit with a blazer, clutch and booties but I think it looks cute even without the blazer.  But let me tell you ... those elbow patches and polka dot cuffed sleeves make me one happy girl! 

T-shirt || Toms for Target
Blazer || Anthropologie (old) || Similar
Jeggings || Loft
Booties || DSW
Clutch || Charming Charlie

Photos by Chelcey Tate


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