Friday, December 12, 2014

Behind the Blog: Five Random Facts About Me

Happy Friday!  Can you believe we are less than two weeks away from Christmas?  I sure can't!  In fact, this whole year has completely flown by.  I'm proud to say that I have finished all of my Christmas shopping, with the presents wrapped and under the tree to boot.  I'm kicking my procrastinating tendencies in the butt this year.  Speaking of procrastination, I realized that it's been a while since I got personal with you guys and just shared the most random things about myself.  Well, cue the discovery that I have a serious phobia that I didn't know about, and a new list of quirks was born. 

1.  You must be thinking, "Amanda, what is this phobia you have?  Could I have it too?"  My answer to your burning question is ... trypophobia.  Seriously, it gives me the creeps just to type the word.  Thanks to this lovely Buzzfeed article, I am now well aware of how serious this is for me.  Seeing these pictures literally makes me want to rip my skin off, but at the same time it's one of those things I don't want to look away from.  Weird, right?  Click at your own risk, and don't say I didn't warn you if in fact you have this awful phobia too.

2.  I drink like a Brit, and by that I mean I stick my pinkie out whenever I'm consuming a beverage.  It's an automatic reflex, I can't help it!  Ever since my friends were lovely enough to point it out, I notice it all the time and then get self conscious.  But hey, at least I can make a water bottle or can of beer look proper.

3. I can be the life of the party, emphasis on the can.  I'm the definition of shy around people I don't know, but with my friends I have no problem being the center of attention.  I'll rattle off jokes and sarcastic remarks like it's nothing.  Alcoholic beverages may help with that shyness, though.

4. I can't eat cold food right out of the fridge.  There's something about the cold that makes the food seem more, I don't know, bland?  It's probably all in my head but it's just one of those habits that I can't break.  Maybe I have sensitive teeth.  The world may never know.

5. I can't purchase items from the front of the shelf.  No, I'll move everything out of the way and grab the one in the verrrrry back.  But what if there's only one left, you say?  Then it becomes a question of whether or not I can live without it for another couple days.  Usually I suck it up and just buy it, but sometimes I wait.  Something about knowing that someone else could have potentially bought this specific bottle of shampoo wigs me out.

Now that you know what makes me a weirdo, what are some of your quirks?


1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your outfit in that photo. That lavender sweater is adorable! I can't eat cold food right out of the fridge either. My hubby keeps a Brita water pitcher in there, and I even have to wait for the water to be more room temperature before I drink it! Haha. :)


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