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Sephora |
If I could go back in time and stop my middle school self from destroying my eyebrows, I so would. But no, I'm a child of the 90s and early 2000s (which is basically an extension of the 90s when you look back on it). All the girls around me had thin brows that they either waxed or plucked, and here I was with what I thought were the most hideous, thick brows. Too afraid to go to professional salon, I took matters into my own hands. I bought an at-home wax kit and went to town. I cringe now when I think about it, because they have never grown back the same. If only I could have seen into the future. Le sigh. I would give anything to have those now. Since time travel isn't real (I know Dr. Brown would have a heart attack if he read this), I have to settle with filling them in daily.
Recently, things have gotten really bad. I'm talking practically no brow on my right side (the most victimized of the two). I got really scared that I would have to live the rest of my life with no eyebrow, so of course I looked to Google. I found all kinds of remedies, and in particular a product by Anastasia Beverly Hills. I've already raved about her brow powder that I used, so I figured this would be a good place to start in my quest to hopefully regrow my arches. The price is pretty steep, but I was able to scoop this up during a sale at Sephora. The product itself is a serum that you are supposed to apply morning and night via a clickable pen.
As with any product that promises something like growing back over-plucked brows, I admit I was a bit skeptical, but also hopeful at the same time. Could this be the miracle I was looking for? Seriously, I could not go through the rest of my life with no eyebrow! I am happy to say that this product did give me results. I definitely do not have the brows of my youth, but there is a visible arch where there once wasn't. I will also say that on top of applying the serum, I refrained from any plucking, even stray hairs. So now, if there is ever a day when I don't feel like putting on a full face of makeup, I won't feel like an alien venturing out into public without "putting my eyebrows on."
With the good comes the bad though, right? Like I said before, this was a little pricey, so if you are able to purchase it during a sale that will definitely help. The amount of product lasted about a month for me, based on a twice a day application. It was pretty easy to incorporate this into my routine, given how eager I was to have my eyebrows grow and hopefully see results, but I also see how it could be easy to forget this step. I just kept the pen right on my bathroom counter next to my face wash and it was easy to remember. When it ran out, I didn't go purchase another one because I'm trying to hold out until the next sale opportunity, and so far so good as far as the results lasting.
Unfortunately, in my haste to get the growing going, I didn't snap any before pictures, and therefore after pictures would be pretty useless too. Although, let's be honest, there wasn't much to see before anyway. But I will say, the bottom line is that I would recommend this product as long as you have reasonable expectations and follow the application direction of twice a day. If it can help my 8th grade at home wax nightmare brows grow back, surely it can help you too! Anastasia really is the queen of brows.
*This product was purchased with my own money and all opinions are my own.
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